Me Again wrote:
Amen brother! I have Mission Tires mfg in 2007. The tread is good and like many folks, I thought I would try to get one more trip in before replacing the tires. The tread is good, but I was noticing some aging around the edge of the tire.
The alarm on my TPMS went on and indicated the right rear tire was rapidly deflating. I got pulled over okay without any damage. The tread was starting to seperate. I got the tire replaced with another Chinese ST tire.
Will be going home this Friday. Hopefully I'll get there without any tire failure??? When I'm home, all the remaining tires will be replaced with new ST tires. NO MORE trying to get in that last trip.
You are very brave running ST tires on a Select Suites 5th wheel. Chris
I have had some visiting with him on his 36ft MS when My friend had the same fifthwheel for sale. My friends had E load Mission and one towmaster tire when he had it delivered from Minn to Az. I hope he does not buy ST tires and can afford to get up to G tires and wheels.
Of course it is none of my business to tell anybody what to do but I still hope for this result for them.