Forum Discussion

Me_Again's avatar
Explorer III
Apr 27, 2020

BIL with Superglide drops his trailer

Yesterday my BIL went to bring his trailer home from storage lot. Has trouble hooking up as he had left the battery switch on the last time in visited the trailer a few weeks earlier. Has the generator in the bed of the truck and gets the batteries going. Hooks up and makes several turns get out of the lot. Stops at the highway entrance and waits on traffic, gets a clear spot and takes off and the trailer drops off the truck completely, ripping off his 5th wheel tailgate.

Storage lot owner and a bunch of guys come to his aid. He has to use the generator again to charge batteries to be able to lift trailer back to hitching height and get hooked back up.

He does not know what he did wrong!

I am not familiar with the Superglide head and latch, but the day before he moving a trailer for a friend between sites at another park.

I have not looked at his rig yet, he however says damage was mostly to the 5th wheel tail gate.