Viken wrote:
You need people who will change the laws. It’s getting hard for bikers and campers in California.
Mod Edit: Just trying to keep the politics in check
Trust me we have a lot of lobbiests and activists that are well connected in Sac. but the liberals are hard to cross the aisle. and with a super majority its worse. Fortunately we do have allies here and there.
As of 2022 model year ALL OHV's must meet emission requirements except "closed course" race bikes. There is a bill in Sac. to exempt "race vehicles" for competition and "practice". The use of these machines in non-sanctioned events is only allowed for "practice". To prove you are "practicing" or "testing" you have to hold a valid competition license in any recognized organization. For example AMA District 37, SCORE, DP4.
This bill is moving slowly in Sac. Current green stickers expire next June so this must be in place by then.
Unfortunately BLM, a federal agency, is the one that checks the stickers (CA requirement) which makes no sense either.
My son managed to score a 2021 Husky 300 so he'll be good. Just had a friend get a 2022 KTM 300 (these are both non EPA complying two strokes). Will be interesting to see what kind of sticker they issue to the 2022.
This is all thanks to the AQMD. They did a study on OHV emissions based on totally bogus useage data; most OHV's are operated only hours each month. Would be surprised if the average use is more than 5 hours per month on an annualized basis yet they used some BS number 4-5x that amount to justify their draconian ****. AQMD is an independent department that does not answer to anyone, they can and do exactly what they want with no regard to economic impact, recreational use, etc.