Cummins12V98 wrote:
Captain, NOT calling you a liar!
What are your interior walls made of? What are your shelves in the cabinets made of? What are your drawer bottoms made of?
I can go on but there is simply no way your rig has ONLY solid wood inside it!!!
Actually {and sadly, offense accepted } you are. :(
The examples you cite are made of solid wood... like I said no particleboard or plywood. Nexus like a few other quality builders uses Azdell in the walls, not Luann which is just another term for plywood. Azdell cost more to use but it is lighter than plywood, has a higher R value and will not absorb moisture. Initially Lance and Nexus were just about the only builders to use it but now many more like Winnebago are going that route on some if not all of their coaches.
Our coach is a 2012 and though I do know if they continue to use Azdell I have no idea if they still build them the same way. When we were at the factory in in 2015 they had started building the interior cabinetry in their factory vs subbing it out to the local Amish carpenters.