Forum Discussion

Homey_B's avatar
Jul 03, 2013

Copper Canyon has 15 inch wheels - tire options?

Our RV has steel 15" wheels, each with 255/75R15 tires from a brand I have not heard of (Mission F-108). The tires "look" new, but I'll admit that I have not looked for the DOT date code on them. Nor have I seen any markings on the wheels about maximum tire pressures.

What sort of options are available to me when it comes to getting better tires? After reading the threads, everybody talks about upgrading to 16" wheels (or larger) and getting commercial tires. I'd prefer not to have to buy five new wheels on top of the tires, cost being a major issue right now.

So, without breaking the bank or risking life and limb, what's the least expensive solution to this situation?

Thanks in advance!
  • We have a 2011 Copper Canyon 273WRET, dry weight 7,800#, GVWR 10,240#, that came with TowMaster ST225R15D tires. This is our 3rd year camping and the RV has about 20,000 miles on it.

    I have been looking at tire posts on the forums because I wanted to replace the tires before our long trip to UP this Fall.

    BUT, on the way to Memphis (from Georgia) two weeks ago, I blew one of the tires near Huntsville, AL.

    Three tire stores later, the tires were replaced with TowMaster ST225R15"E". The tire tech told me the current aluminium rims would handle the 80# PSI, no problem. So I'm happy with the new tires even if they probably cost more than they would have if I had shopped around.

    The original TowMaster tires never had a problem until the one blew. I always checked pressure before traveling and did "look arounds" at rest stops, fueling stops and such.

    Note: The first place I looked was Costco but tires weren't in stock. The important detail is that Costco doesn't come out to the RV in the parking lot nor is there clearance in the tire shop to bring in the RV. You have to bring in the rims/tires and they will dismount old, mount new.
  • I went from ST225R15D's which had developed a bubble on one of the tires the first year, to LT235R16E's. They now have between 25,000 and 30,000 and 4 years and only one tire problem. One of them picked up a nail and slowly went down. My TPMS alerted me in time to just pull of the road and change the tire before it went flat
  • therink wrote:
    If you have the standard aluminum Keystone 15" wheels like I had on my 2010 Sydney fiver (12,000 lbs), the best tire in my opinion would be Maxxis 22575R15 load range E. I switched out the junk load range D tires that came with my 2010 Sydney anf upgraded to E's. It was the best upgrade I made on that rig. LTs were out of the question with 15" wheels.
    I put LT tires at the dealer on on my new 2013 Sydney as it came with 16" wheels. The tires that came on it were junk as well.

    +1 on the recommendation of Maxxis tires for 15" wheels. I put the load range E's on my Laredo and have been very satisfied with them.
  • Your options depends on what size and load range and axle capacity and GVWR your trailer has. Never heard of a ST255/75-15 tire. IMO you mean a ST225/75-15.

    Depending on room in the wheel well and proper wheel pressure/wheel width requirements the Goodyear Wrangler HT in a LT235/75-15 C (50 psi) at 1980 lb capacity. Most LT tire makers carry this size.

    And a Wrangler HT in a LT215/75-15 D (65 psi) at 2090 lbs capacity.

    Maxxis LT U-168 are a commercial grade tire with several 15" sizes and have became popular with all types of trailer owners.

    Vanco 2 from Continental another popular tire for trailer users has several 15" sizes and load capacities.

    I see the Yokohama RY215 in a 700R 15 D at 2040 lbs capacity is popular on some of the other RV websites.

    Do your home work on the numbers.

    Now if you have the ST225/75-15 D at 2500 lbs per tire moving up to a LT225/75-16 E at 2680 lbs capacity is the best/reliable upgrade.
  • goducks10 wrote:
    Is your spare also a steel rim? If so maybe you could run it down to the loacal tire shop, have them dismount the tire and then check the inside of the rim for psi/load rating numbers.

    I see your dry weight is around 7200lbs, so loaded ready to go maybe 8500lbs minus pin at 1700lbs, so your axle weights are around 6800lb Lets round up to 7000lbs for the sake of it. 7000lbs divided by 4=1750lbs per tire. 225/75/15D tires are good 2540lbs each. 2540x4=10,160-7000lbs=3,160lbs in reserve. I have the same size/weight 5'er and am running D rated. No need for E's unless you like parting with your money. E Maxxis tires have a 2830lb rating compared to 2540 for D's. I don't see 290lbs being worth the xtra $$ if you on the lighter side of weights.
  • Is your spare also a steel rim? If so maybe you could run it down to the loacal tire shop, have them dismount the tire and then check the inside of the rim for psi/load rating numbers.
  • LT 16" tires are a good idea but not always required with towables 10K# or lighter. My 32' rig comes in at 10K# fully loaded but most times is around 9K and our set of 15" Maxxis ST tires are delivering great service with no blowouts or even flats these last 4 years and over 20K miles. They are the best ST tires currently available and have a good reputation here on the forum. I purchased mine from (local tire dealer didn't have them & tried to sell me their brand) and they were delivered to my front door via UPS in 3 days shipping included. Took them over to the nearset Discount Tire and had them balanced, installed, and warrantied.
  • If you have the standard aluminum Keystone 15" wheels like I had on my 2010 Sydney fiver (12,000 lbs), the best tire in my opinion would be Maxxis 22575R15 load range E. I switched out the junk load range D tires that came with my 2010 Sydney anf upgraded to E's. It was the best upgrade I made on that rig. LTs were out of the question with 15" wheels.
    I put LT tires at the dealer on on my new 2013 Sydney as it came with 16" wheels. The tires that came on it were junk as well.