Forum Discussion

Explorer II
Jul 06, 2018

Crossroads Cruiser

I am currently looking at a 2015 Crossroads Cruiser and was wonder what reviews current owners would have on these. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
  • We have been very happy with ours. We bought it new and have had zero issues so far. This fall we are leaving for a several month trip, so who knows what we'll say after living in it for that length of time. Since we bought ours, the company went through a management change or owner change. I'm not sure if that changed anything about quality or not. I know they changed the warranty to one year instead of two. Good luck.
  • I have had one that I bought new. Can't say enough bad things about them. Had a wheel snap off all 6 lugs and fly through the sidewall at month 13. Crossroads said I was out of warrantee (1 year). I found that they had a recall for the same model for bad lugs 1 model year off of mine. After MUCH complaining, I finally got them to replace all my hubs and lugs. While the trailer was getting repaired, a Tech noticed a seam was separating. They opened it up to find there was excessive flexing. It was determined that Crossroads failed to put wood supports in the channels of the trailer base. This is what holds your trailer body to the base. Crossroads refused to repair. Also, Camping World extended warrantee refused to cover citing a clause that "Bowed walls or ceilings are not covered". $4.5K repair... quality is lacking and support non existing.
  • I have a 2015 crossroads cruiser and have been real happy with it. Have had zero issues with it at all. I think it is a great camper for its price point