KKELLER14K wrote:
Umm..ok what hitch would I want?...can I ask what anyone thinks about the Curt Q24?..My concern is what matters about the rating? SO...regardless, why not buy the biggest you can get...or at least 2xs the rating of what you plan to pull..and then who cares if you have a load lighter than rated...does this really matter or is there just a hitch that works better than another...I'm clueless but really...between makers who has the better hitch and why?
Does it matter if a hitch is Made in China or USA? Does it matter if the hitch is rock solid with no silly color codes or flimsy lock mechanism and hard or easy to hookup?
Curt is Made in China, Curt is not easy to hookup. B&W is Made in USA, B&W is simple to hookup and latch and there is NO question if you are latched or not.
YES, I have hooked up a Q24 it is NOT simple to hookup and latch. Just compare the two side by side.
Of course I will be flamed by my statements.