Forum Discussion

tlukasavige172's avatar
Jul 21, 2014

Does Anyone Know where I can Get Insurance for this TH??

I'm having difficulty trying to insure this trailer. I've called both Geico and Progressive but neither can insure it. It's manufactured by ATC in Indiana but is a custom floor plan and slightly custom build (as most of their trailers are). Geico didn't like the fact that some companies had given me product in exchange for their logo on the trailer and neither insurance company likes the fact that ATC is not in their data base. I know I'm not the only person with one of these trailers and just wondering if anyone has personal experience with an insurance company. It has living quarters in front and a 14' garage in the back. I also live in the unit full time with 5 months spent in MN and the other amount of the time spent in CO and the western US. Thanks in advance.

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  • tlukasavige172 wrote:
    However, he wasn't sure if an insurance company would try to cash in on that fact if I ever tried to make a claim. He said there really wasn't a way to know as they would not put it in writing. So that leaves me a bit lost.

    That's where they get you. When the issue the policy, it will include a list of exclusions. Commercial use will certainly be on there. What you have to be careful with is how the policy defines commercial use. If there's any wiggle room whatsoever, you can be pretty sure that they will wiggle right through in case of a claim. So.... read the exclusions very carefully. I cancelled one policy because I ran across an exclusion for "modified suspension". Since I have air-bags, changed my leaf springs, and converted to a dually I was pretty sure they would deem my suspension "modified" if I ever had a claim.

    As much as I don't like lawyers, I think a personal liability attorney could be really useful to ensure you are properly covered by the policy you select. Or at the very least, think about a million-$ umbrella policy, so at least you'd be covered in case your trailer insurance bails on you if anything went wrong, and the courts did decide you were operating commercially ($1,000,000 is the commercial vehicle minimum). It sucks to think about the what-ifs. I work in loss-control, so that's a lot of what I do. Besides, a blanket policy will cover you in somebody trips over a crack in your sidewalk, or your dog scares a cyclist and falls of their bike....
  • I got ahold of an agent in Colorado and he got a quote from Progressive for me. I called Progressive prior to calling him and they acted like I was speaking Arabian.

    The agent I spoke with said there is nothing commercial about it. However, he wasn't sure if an insurance company would try to cash in on that fact if I ever tried to make a claim. He said there really wasn't a way to know as they would not put it in writing. So that leaves me a bit lost.

    steiny93, I'm just up in Grand Forks for the summer. Can you send me your agents info? Thanks
  • Is the issue that its a commercial rig (you received product) or because its a little know custom?

    Getting around the custom topic should be pretty easy (my agent in MN could likely solve that problem for you if you are interested)
  • Watch out. DOT will most likely come to the same conclusions as Geico.... If it looks commercial, it probably is commercial and therefore you must follow all CDL requirements and have a commercial policy.

    Receiving compensation (cash or goods) in association with your trailer (i.e. the wrap, or you are transporting, promoting, or competing with said goods) falls under commercial use, as far as DOT cares.

    That's interesting Bryan and something I've never thought about. I've not stopped at weigh stations or anything like that in the past. We'll see what Canada thinks when I cross the border in a few months.
  • tlukasavige172 wrote:
    Right now it's the rig but another problem that will arise is the wrap that I have on it and the fact that companies have given me product.

    Watch out. DOT will most likely come to the same conclusions as Geico.... If it looks commercial, it probably is commercial and therefore you must follow all CDL requirements and have a commercial policy.

    Receiving compensation (cash or goods) in association with your trailer (i.e. the wrap, or you are transporting, promoting, or competing with said goods) falls under commercial use, as far as DOT cares.
  • That's what happens when you deal with a website and a 800 number. Find a local agent and meet with them would be my suggestion.

    We Insure with Blue Sky Insurance, but you're going to need an agent that doesn't wear a head set that can think for them self and not just what's on a computer screen.
  • give them picture from before the wrap was on it.
  • Right now it's the rig but another problem that will arise is the wrap that I have on it and the fact that companies have given me product.
  • Is the problem the rig itself, or that it appears to the insurance companies that it's used for commercial purposes?

    I ask because when we had our farm business, those units related to the farm had to be covered by an umbrella Commercial policy. Our regular home/auto agent set us up with a company that specializes in such insurance.