Forum Discussion

slotsavegas's avatar
Sep 05, 2014

Dometic Refrig is acting up - what are my options

Left home the refrigerator was working very well. Outdoor temps were in the high 90's. Fridge was 7 freezer and 38 refrige. Two days out we are now in Arizona and outside temps are 104-106. Freezer is staying around 6 or 7 on both gas and electric. Refrige portion varies between 45 and 61 again on gas or electric. We have even removed all the food to be sure it wasn't overloaded. We have a fan inside the refrige to move the air, we have a muffin fan in the cooling unit space outside. ( I have placed a small 110V inside the CU area as well for the last couple of days ) with no improvement.

A technician was out yesterday and told me the CU was working correctly. There did not appear to be any leaks in the cooling solution, and there did not appear to be any blockage. Door gasket was checked and was pronounced good.

Does anyone have a suggestion or something to try ???

Refridge is Dometic model #RM2862LB It is a 2005 model and has had the
safety recall installed in 2008.

From a historical point, over the last 8 years this refridge has always kept interior temps in the upper 30's to lower 40's regarless of outide temps. Freezer often went down to 0 degrees.

I am desperate for help. If I can't get this issue resolved, I will have to cancel remainder of trip and return home.