laknox wrote:
Not sure this would work for this situation, but some people "burp" their fridge by pulling it out, and turning it upside down for a while, then trying it again. Most seem to report (or so I've read here) that this will work...for a while. "A while" being from weeks to years. YMMV...
Something else to try, if you can, and that's to move the thermistor on the cooling fin it's attached to force a lower temp. Don't ask me which way it needs to move, I can't remember.
Relocating thermistor on fin only affects temps in fridges that do NOT have adjustable temp settings on control panel. Ones that use a factory preset thermostat---auto t-stat.
And 'burping' fridge.......once you go to the trouble of removing it just go ahead and FIX it.
Band-aid approaches as just that....a temporary attempt at fixing an issue that ends up hurting when you have to redo---rip the band-aid off. :B