dkuntz wrote:
I’m struggling to find a toyhauler that will work with my 3/4ton truck for weigh capacity on the hitch and still provide enough garage space for my ATV’s. So I’m considering to go with double towing. I’m not worried about handling the two trailers (grew up on a farm towing trailers all the time), and I’ve read about how all the state laws are double towing are different, but I like the idea of having a trailer for my ATV’s so I can just grab that trailer and going riding ATV’s whenever I want, and I like the idea of my fifth wheel being shorter/smaller/lighter for when I just want to go camping. I’m in Colorado, and appear to be surrounded by States that allow double towing up to 65’+, so if I stay at 65’ I should be okay.
What am I not thinking of that would making double towing a dumb idea?
Does anyone know what Fifth Wheel MFG’s provide their trailers with hitches already installed and what kind of capacity I could pull behind them? I’ve noticed some of them call the hitch out specifically on their website (without capacity) and others don’t call them out at all.
Don't forget that THs are built nose-heavy so when you load your toys up, you'll counterbalance a lot of the weight, especially if you load right to the ramp. I know one guy that loads his 2 quads in his TH and stand them on their tails, just inside the ramp, to get as much weight on the rear end as possible. May not be the smartest thing to do, but it's been working for him for several years. Like you, he's got a 2500 and can't afford to get into another truck.
That being said, most factory installed hitches are 3000/300 capacity, so if your trailer, quads and other stuff gross out <= 3k, then you should be good to go...provided it's =legal= to double-up in whatever state you want to go to. Most states seem to have a grey area here, and most LEOs in those states don't know for sure, either. Some people just go and hope they don't get caught.