Jan 16, 2022Explorer
Dumb mistake
I filled up my 5 gal can with diesei in back of pickup when towing and forgot to put cap on and drove for 3 hours in light rain. Will some water damage the fuel ? Is there something I could add to the fuel ?
valhalla360 wrote:
For $15-20 worth of diesel, I wouldn't want to mess with it.
If you really feel the need, used to have a water separating funnel on the boat. If you know someone who has one, you could run it back and forth between a couple jugs (but to buy one would be more than the fuel is worth).
M.R.E. wrote:
Thanks for all the responses. Not worth the risk, but where do you dispose ?
nickthehunter wrote:
Pour it into a clean 5 gallon bucket. Let it set for a day. Siphon 4-1/2 gallons of fuel off the top.
MFL wrote:dedmiston wrote:M.R.E. wrote:
Thanks for all the responses. Not worth the risk, but where do you dispose ?
Dispose of it 1-2 cups at a time every time you start a campfire, more if you're boondocking and less if you're in a fancy park.
Folks in my group used to start their fires with gas, but it's scary to light, and then it just kind of explodes and then all the gas is gone. I use diesel now. It's a little harder to light, but then it catches and rolls into a great fire.
True story...years ago, a young fellow in our small group of tenters, watched me tip a little premix for the dirt bikes on some logs in the pit. He decided to do the same, another night, waited for a few of us to gather round. He said not too close, before tossing the match, so I was back a bit, sitting in my nylon webbed chair, when it lit. As it lit, a trail of fire came back, between my feet, under my chair, melted the webbing as I jumped clear. No, he didn't realize he was losing gas from the full can, when he carried it back.
Yup, another dumb mistake!
Krusty wrote:
Any auto repair shop will have a place where they safely dispose of used oil etc. I'm sure one of them could take care of it for you.
dedmiston wrote:M.R.E. wrote:
Thanks for all the responses. Not worth the risk, but where do you dispose ?
Dispose of it 1-2 cups at a time every time you start a campfire, more if you're boondocking and less if you're in a fancy park.
Folks in my group used to start their fires with gas, but it's scary to light, and then it just kind of explodes and then all the gas is gone. I use diesel now. It's a little harder to light, but then it catches and rolls into a great fire.
M.R.E. wrote:
Thanks for all the responses. Not worth the risk, but where do you dispose ?
TXiceman wrote:mhardin wrote:
I would never knowingly put contaminated fuel into a truck with a $10,000 engine. If water makes it to the injector pump and it eventually grenades you will be looking at a huge repair bill.
Better check the price for those diesel engines. Had a new crate 6.7L engine put in the truck in October 2014. Back then the engine was almost $16,000 and the installation at the Ford dealer was $23,800. Fellow here in the park had his 2015, 6.7L Ford take a dump. A remanufactured engine installed is $15,000.
No way would I take a chance on that contaminated fuel unless it was run through a proper oil/water separator.