Forum Discussion

MandMkuzie's avatar
Nov 05, 2016

Dump valve question

I am replacing both dump valves. Not really looking forward to it, but hey, it's gotta be done. What is on each tank now is a 3" thetford 08671. Yes, grey tank as well.
Originally I was thinking of saving money and going with a $15 Valterra as replacements, but got to thinking these thetford have been on since 1996 so maybe the extra money would be a wise investment.

Any thoughts?

I'm not to interested in redoing this project in a few years so I want it done right.
  • The replies make me feel better about the Valterra. I may go with them since they are 1/4 the cost. I was beginning to think that maybe the Valterras were just a cheap off brand but maybe they wasn't a true assessment. Next question. I have to run a 32" extention rod from the valve to the side of the rig. I'm assuming I can remove the handle f t on the Valterra and drill a hole in the shafts to ruin a cotter pin through?
  • I've used Valterra and they are good valves. But as you have had good results with the ones you have why change.
  • FWIW, I've been using (and replacing one once in 25 years) Valterra valves. 2 TT and 1 motorhome. In one of my storage compartments I do have extra for the black tank and one for the gray tank. Y'never now.