Cummins12V98 wrote:
fj12ryder wrote:
Not bashing just being honest. IMO the solid steps have no advantages. :)
100% agree! No Bueno Solid steps in my opinion. GlowSteps offered me a free set if I would evaluate them but I kindly declined as I am more than happy with these simple, solid and trouble free.
The extra step was not really needed. It is handy if needed.
People only know the CHEAP flimsy steps so the THINK standard are no good. These are VERY solid with no compromise.
I agree 100% , I have the Glowsteps , prior to that had the fold out suspended three step design ,never an issue . Never needed to adjust , they were solid . These Glowsteps IMO are a pain , they always require adjustment ,they never seem to be entirely level ,have talked to Glowsteps about the problems ,they even sent me some longer adjustment legs, but still are not that level . If I level to get the bottom two steps level ,then the upper two are not ,and the other way around .
I would not recommend them unless they were more or less able to be leveled on certain fifth wheels . I could add a step ,talked to Glowsteps about that ,gave them all the measurements etc , and they advised against it , reason they sent me a free set of longer adjustment legs ,unfortunately they didn't help . The height of my fifth wheel just doesn't work with the four step design of the Glowsteps .