Forum Discussion

Havasujon's avatar
Aug 24, 2014

First Fifth wheel..

I just purchased my first fifth wheel..I found a 1987 Automate,34 foot in good condition for what I feel was a good price. The rig is a clean,well maintained one-owner. Travel trailers have always been my thing,towed them for many years. I got this rig sorted out fairly quickly,find where everything is and how it all works with not too much trouble. I do have some 12-volt interior lights that don't work. Any ideas on where the fuses are for the 12-volt system? I found the inverter,sealed case,and no fuses near it or in any hatches or cabinets inside or out.,Any thoughts? Good to be here..
  • Thanks Dennis..I think I got lucky with this Automate,being it's my first fifth wheel. Whole new world from travel trailers!
  • HavasuJon,

    AutoMate's are great trailers. I have a 95 36 ft. Bill Wyrick is still in Los Banos at the old factory and can be a wealth of information and help. Enjoy your new rig.
  • I found the fuse box..One blown fuse,replaced it,tried the two lights over the dinette,bulb style,and they worked. Then I tried the fluorescent on the ceiling and the fuse popped. So now I know where to start. Many thanks to all for the advice,very helpful and friendly..Jon
  • I had a trailer where all the fuses and breakers were in the wall towards the center of the trailer between the kitchen and bath. It was covered with a mirror mounted on the wall that hinged to the side. Tight fit to the wall and very hard to detect that it covered the electrical. Randu
  • Most likely the 12v fuse pannel is next to the 120v pannel. Now the location of those pannels are not in a standard location. Most likely floor level not near on a inside wall or pannel.
  • Thanks Mountainsam for the welcome..Artum..I have two ceiling and two lights over the dinette that show no 12v power on my volt meter. I found in a drawer a pack of glass 12v fuses,so I assume somewhere there is a fusebox. There I go assuming again..:-) Thanks..Jon
  • Best thing to do with 12 volt lighting problems is bring a good 12 volt positive to the actual bulb and see if that works. It's 50/50 whether it is the positive side or negative side at this point. It nothing changes, bring a good negative supply to the other side of the bulb. If that doesn't work.. hook up both positive and negative to the bulb. If that doesn't work you have a dead socket of a dead bulb.
  • I don't know where the fuses are but welcome to RV.NET. Lots of good answers found on here.