ford truck guy wrote:
rjxj wrote:
Do you mean you dont have to worry about clearance as far as bed height to the pin? I haven't looked closely at any builds but I would have to guess that by the time you build any type of flat bed it cant be much lower than the factory bed but I may be wrong.
I think the other thing people like about a flat bed is having compartments built in.
Clearance from the top of the bed rails to the bottom of the fiver...
Yep, that would on longer be a problem but often people have trouble with the bed height on newer trucks. Getting rid of the rails solves contacting the rails but the FW is still often nose high. They either flip axles, build sub frames or lower the truck. I wondered if a few inches could be gained if a person got the hitch down as close to the frame as possible with a different bed design. I'l have to crawl under mine sometime and look closer.