Forum Discussion

3TV's avatar
Aug 08, 2020

Forest River RV XLR Boost 37TSX13? Any owners on here?

I am looking for a toy hauler with an enclosed garage, and a nearby dealer has a Forest River XLR Boost 37TSX13 for a decent price. Does anyone own one, or have an opinion on this RV? I like the floor plan and it is a triple axle with 5000 lb cargo capacity. I am thinking about purchasing it.

I know, its a Forest River. But the dealership includes a "forever" warranty for no extra cost.

If you were in the market for this size toy hauler, would you buy one?
  • If your hauling heavier toys, the triple axle will be more stable in the wind and carry the load more evenly, imo. Not sure if GD still does but that 350g had an option of 8k lbs axles for a little more ccc. I have never owned a GD but looked into purchasing a 40' fiver. I have owned 2 first river toyhauler and they were the least amount of maintenece/issues out of the 6 toyhaulers i have owned.
  • 3TV wrote:
    Yes it does require annual inspections, which cost $160 to do each year. But there is no deductible or co-pay that would be need to be met for each claim.

    Warranty Forever = Revenue generator for the Dealer's service department.

    Good luck with that.
  • Interesting layout! Kinda like it, as long as the tanks arent aft of the axles.
    Idk how much weight you could put over there to lopside it. Doesn’t seem like an issue to me.
    But you don’t say how much weight “bbq and equipment” is. It’s designed for a couple bikes or a wheeler so the intended use would be 6-800lbs in that corner…..”if” that was actually a thought when designing it. Good chance it wasn’t or it doesn’t matter, or it would be lopsided the other way when empty.
  • tuvok42 - I think you'll be fine. Looking at the floor plan the bathroom on the other side really shouldn't had that much weight that it would be an issue. That type of floorplan is far more likely to be used for motorcycles or bikes and other toys, vs 1 ATV so I don't think the weight distribution would be an issue.
  • I'm looking at the 2021 Forest River Rv Xlr Boost 27QBX. This model only uses 1/2 of the garage space for toys. I hope to put bbq smokers and equipment in the garage. I'm concerned about being too heavy or lopsided on the garage side. I can't find any help on this matter.
  • Yes it does require annual inspections, which cost $160 to do each year. But there is no deductible or co-pay that would be need to be met for each claim. The dealership is 50 miles from where I live, so I would plan on a once yearly trip to winterize and inspect the RV late each fall. No big deal really.

    I actually went to three dealerships today and looked at both bumper pull and fifth wheel Toy Haulers from multiple manufacturers. It seams like each manufacturer builds multiple brands, that range from entry level to high end in features and in quality.

    The XLR Boost I had asked about is an entry level RV. It is a decent RV, but a number of other RVs I looked at sure do appear to be better quality.

    Although it will be about $20K more than the XLR Boost, right now it looks like I am going to be getting a Grand Design 350G. It has a 14'6" garage, unloaded weight is 12,950 lbs, GVWR is 16,800, and length is 39'10". We are still working on price because he will have to order one in. And if I order one there are some options I don't need, like the play pen railing that goes around the ramp door. I don't even need the drop down bed or the fold down sofas in the garage, but they might have to be included. There is also one other RV (bumper pull) he is going to be giving me a price on.
  • Does the “forever” warranty require annual inspections? You’ve read the fine print closely?