We looked at the FL design... We "liked" a couple of them, but, when we looked at basement storage and how we "live" in our 5er, the stairs up to the living room are a large con in the benefit / con columns. We are not getting younger; I already have RA and OA (both forms of arthritis) and we spend far more time going from living area to kitchen and back than we do to the bedroom from the kitchen. I hazard to think of what trying to balance a cup of coffee while going up those steps multiple times per evening will do to the floor. As we get older, those steps are more of an issue. I suppose, if we were younger, that wouldn't be such an issue, but, age happens... I only go to bed and get up once per day, while my, and my wife's, trips from the living area to the kitchen or dining area are numerous.
The lack of basement storage is also an issue. My wife is a weaver and she spins her own yarns. It is not unusual for our current basement to be half full of bags containing raw wool, assorted other animal furs and cotton for her to spin into yarn and then weave while we are traveling. We don't full time, but, have been known to be on the road for 6 months at a time and storage space becomes an issue when you have to carry "stuff" for extended stays away from home base; and, yes, I have looked longingly at some of the DPs with, what appears to be endless storage space that runs the entire length of the coach on both sides...yep, jealous.
Fine, I guess for many, but, not our cup of tea and certainly not for our future age factor. You really need to look at a lot of things before making a decision; think long and hard about how you travel, how you "live" once set up, how long you plan on keeping your coach (remember, you can't get around the "age" thing) and then find a floor plan that fits that "life style". The FL didn't fit ours, but, it may fit yours.