For what it is worth, I have a GPI transfer pump on my voltage 3200, the pump is mounted vertical with the head of the pump at 12 o'clock and is two years old and last year I had a similar problem where the pump would start sluggish and blow the fuse. I have read about sanding the side of the gears, or replacing them. But before I did that, I decided to just loosen the four bolts each approx. a 1/4 turn each that hold the cover down and I have not had an issue since. Now you have to watch that it will not leak from the o-ring so pay attention to that.... I had noticed that in the early morning when it was cool out it worked fine and it wasn't till it got hot out mid day that it would not work, since the fuel swells from the heat. So I did this experiment at the time the pump would not work, which was in the middle of the day, in the 80's and just by reliving the pressure on the bolts loosening each bolt a 1/4 turn it started working and I have not had an issue since. Just my 2 cents.............