Forum Discussion

2btowed's avatar
Jun 02, 2013

FYI--MVUM -Kaibab NF

Went to Dogtown Lake area over Mem. holiday,and Rangers out in force.OK we me cause Im legal,however if you go be prepared to get stopped,and be legal.RV or MC registration plus OHV sticker,anyone under 18 wearing helmets even in SxS.Use to be people going every where with their hair on fire,now nice polite riders and not near as many.OK with me.THE sad side is people where still building fires and there must be a million signs saying 'No Fires". IT was dry and real windy and great weather for a fire.They gave an 800 number to call and report any fires,and usually I"m pretty understanding,however, after last years fires,I really don't care about these FOOL's.We rode alot and with GPS we called in about 14 fires.You can't fix stupid.....Love the Land...
  • Janss wrote:
    BTW, what does "MVUM" mean?

    Forest Service Term: Motor Vehicle Use Maps
  • That makes me mad. Can't believe people can be such idiots. You'd think they would want to take care of the land that they like to use. Anyway, thank you for calling in all those fires. Glad somebody cares!

    BTW, what does "MVUM" mean?