Forum Discussion

cutty72's avatar
Jun 04, 2013

Garage flooring

Have a question for you guys.
The vinyl flooring in my garage area is ripped/cracked and coming up. I'm planning on pulling it out and was wondering if I could just put down the DIY bedliner product on the floor and ramp door? That would give me a better guard against water/gas/oil as well as mud, plus a little more grip for getting things in and out.
What's your thoughts/experiences?
  • 64thunderbolt wrote:
    Remember, anything with a texture will be difficult to clean.

    Not too worried about it being perfectly clean, it's the garage floor.

    Thanks on the other suggestions, I'll look into them as well.
  • Mine came factory with the spray in bedliner type flooring. A little hard to sweep,but with the vacuum cleaner it's no problem keeping clean.
  • Check with your local flooring store, ask about the Coin-Grip flooring.