duggram wrote:
I currently full time in an ‘06 Raptor and I would like to consider a new toyhauler. But every new one I’ve looked at comes with those beds/couch in the garage that raise up to the ceiling. Nice for a crowd but I’m recently divorced and want the space rather than the accessories. Dealers tell me to just take them out. Then pay to keep them in storage? I like the looks of the Momentum trailers, but the specs say garage accessories are mandatory. I also want as large a garage as possible. If you have any suggestions on a make of toyhauler that doesn’t force you to buy accessories you don’t want, please let me know. Or maybe you have a different suggestion?
As mentioned, they both raise to above 6.5-7 feet. I'm not telling you that what you want isn't a good idea, I'm just questioning why you would want hurt your resale value so badly for something that to me, seems out of the way. What are you going to use the space between 6.5' and the ceiling for? Do you have large cabinets or something that is so tall that it won't fit under both the couch and bed when they are raised to the ceiling?
99% of the people that are looking for toyhaulers are doing so BECAUSE of the additional living space and sleeping space they give while still allowing toys in the garage. So you're going to be significantly reducing your audience for resale if you don't have them available when that time comes. Good Luck in finding the solution that gives you want you want.