I lived in a tag along my first year of college back in... lol... well, that's not important. But on my 19th birthday, my father who was a banker, sent me a birthday present; a check for $10, which was a lot of money back then. It was hand written on a pair of women's white cotton panties, size 44 with "Happy Birthday" prominently hand printed in the crotch... lol... HUGE! Well... with a great deal of trepidation and needing the money, I cashed it. Back then, cleared checks were hand stamped by the Federal Reserve. Never before nor since, have I seen so many "Cancelled" marks stamped on the back of a check... LOL. Oh, the embarrassment standing at the teller cage! I did manage to get out of the bank before they took pictures of the check. Yeah, it was returned and I carry that cancelled check with me today.:)
While attending school in FL. with such mild winters, I think buying a fifth wheel makes economical sense. Campgrounds around the FSU and U of F areas (there are not many) will run about $500-$550 per month for FHUs, cable TV, and WiFi internet. One BR apartments will run about $800/mo, 2 BR for $900/mo and 3 BRs run about $1200/mo and up, plus electric, etc. At least at the end of your education, regardless of the depreciation, you'll have SOMETHING to show for your living expenses other than a cigar box of receipts.
However, a Mobile Suites and HD is over-kill for what you need in FL temps. Hitchiker, Excel, Carriage, Alpenlite or Travel Supreme 5ers are considered good for 4 season use and would more than suffice. A 30'-34' fiver would be more than adequate and could be towed with a 350/3500 truck, which serves as a better chic magnet than a HD:B. Buying a good used truck and 5er, I can see cost of around 45-50k to meet your needs. Hurricane dodge-ball is always a possibility in FL. In '04, I bounced around like a pin-ball machine with 4 canes in the State. But, that's a rarity. MY F-350 diesel dually got me around just fine. Just my opinion. What ever your decision, good luck and travel safe.