Jim, agree 100% with your post...I've had one failure with a G614 tire, threw the tread, never lost air pressure and Goodyear paid for 4 new tires, (tires date of manufacture was 0606 that lost it's tread back in 2010)...BUT, my story may be a tad different due to the fact we found a weak spring pack over the side where the tread peeled off, only about an 1" of clearance over that tire...Goodyear pointed it out to me, BUT still put four new tires on my 5er....For that, I DO feel the same way you do.....The jury is still out on how the Sailun tires will perform and last...BUT, I WILL keep an pay attention to reports on them from this and other forums...They are a quality tire or they wouldn't have obtained some of the certifications they've earned in their manufacturing process and they're priced to compete with that segment of the rv tire market....WHEN I have to replace tires, I will look at the track record of the Sailun at that time, compare prices between the two, and make my call then.
GY has taken care of the G614 tire owner when a tire has failed, and it appears they don't question how or why the tire failed, they just "take care of it", and that DOES speak volumes in their favor. BUT, it would be nice if one owned an rv tire for the length of time that it is recommended to keep them before replacement, for it to never fail, leave you stranded on the side of the road, possibly cause damage to one's rv and the time lost spent getting "back on the road"......shouldn't happen at al...thus the reason, I'll go with customer service and QUALITY produced tires, (with Quality accreditation to prove it)..so, when I'm due to replace my tires, first choice will be GY G614, but if reports are still good on the Sailun, no failures on 7,000# axles, and price competitive with GY, I very well may purchase the Sailun tire, if it's proven itself out.