Me Again wrote:
NC Hauler wrote:
Me Again wrote:
NC Hauler wrote:
Thanks guy's, will check a little harder....I just gave it one shot....
NC, found something interesting on the Heartland web site that Fasteagle pointed me to in another thread. People there are reporting the inter and outer ribs of the Sailun tires wear much faster than the center even at full inflation.
Here is his clickie
Down the page is a forum "External Components - For all Heartland brands" within that is "Tires and Wheels (For RV's)"
Thanks for the link Chris, I'll check it out.
Jim as I noted in another post, I should have linked right to it, as I can not find it again amongst all of the TowMax complaints. I may have wondered off onto one of the similar post linked at the bottom of each thread. The gent said he had outside rib wear like others had reported.
By the time you need new tires there should be more history available.
Someone that is a member there and can search most likely could find it. I thought about signing up to to clarify to those that think Michelin owns Bridgestone and other misconceptions that are posted on their pages. Someone posted that the poly carcass Bridgestone Duravis M700 HD was built the same as the steel carcass XPS rib. The two Duravis that are steel ply carcasses are the R250 and M895. Both the Duravis R500 RD and the M700 HD are great tires, they are however not steel ply cascass tires, and are great pickup tires where ride quality is an issue with the more flexible poly ply carcass.
There has also been a few reports of outside tire wear on the G614 on the Montana Forum, this is nothing new, could be alignment ,bent axles ,a lot of things . Of course many reply back with no wear problems, I am one of them on that forum. Lots of bad mouthing by especially one guy over there about the G614's, and that is about all it takes on these forum's to discredit a tire.