Lantley wrote:
Me Again wrote:
You either setup an additional pump to force water in or add a couple valves behind the Anderson Valve to switch the on board pump to do it. Guys on the Heartland forum have instructions to do that. Chris
I would hope there is already a factory method to fill while boondocking. Having to do a mod for such a basic issue is ridiculous.
It is always nice for the manufacturer to provide good methods.
We have always had the gravity fill ability with our older fiver, but I quickly discovered many problems with doing it that way.
So.....I took a flow jet pump (which I replaced previously with a quieter pump) and with a couple of hoses I can pump a container of water into my tank. Don't have to manhandle the containers around either since they don't have to be elevated. I can just leave them in the back of the truck where I filled them from the faucet using one of the hoses, and the hoses are long enough to reach from the pu bed to the fill tube of the camper fresh water tank.
To make it more convenient I wired in a 12v jack on the camper close to where I place the pump on the ground, and I can just plug in the pump there and hook up the hoses from the container to the pump and pump to the fill tube of the fresh water tank.
I have 4-5gal containers so I just move the hose from one to the other as they empty. Quick and easy. When finished, I just coil up the hoses and unplug and pick up the pump from the ground and place in the fivers storage, or in the bed of the truck.
Sure, you have to diy this yourself, but if you are an RV'er then DIY is a way of life.