NHIrish wrote:
This is a bit tongue in cheek, but I really do want to know...
I put a lot of miles on my fifth wheel, and take good care of my tires. Checking frequently, if not daily, when I am on the road.
Now, everyone says they do this. Particularly, everyone that has a blowout that they blame on imported tires.
You would think that in all my years I would have actually seen one of these tire pressure checkers somewhere.
So....why is it that I (a fairly observant fellow) have NEVER, EVER in all my years of camping, seen someone else checking their tire pressures. I actually look for people to do it....still nothing.
I smell a rat. :B
Who watches for folks checking tire pressure?..:?
Other than some breeds of dogs...who sniffs for rats??..:@
So here ya go....first RV in 1970.
Back in the dark ages, I would check before I left on a trip, and before I departed the campground (or?) for the next stop.
Nope - didn't check at rest stops, or stop for lunch, etc. while traveling - but always "eyeballed" the tires.
Ever see a trucker hit his tires with a rubber mallet?
Bet you haven't been watching for that either!.:@
Where I worked, that was done every morning, actual pressure checked weekly....*unless* you got a dull "smack" sound.
I used to think that was a bunch of baloney, but - once you've heard it - it's a "no brainer" from then on!
Try it sometime when you have a deflated tire -vs- a normally inflated tire!
OK - "modern" times.
Besides your wimmin folk - PMS ("Pressure Monitoring Systems") came along.....for tires!
Pressure Pro works great for checking pressure "on the fly" or when stopped. Warns of pressure lower than what you set it for.
Will help for rapid deflation - but *not* going to prevent a blowout
(Of course, usually "blowouts" are preceded by rapid or gradual deflation - rather than "instantaneous". It works!).
And - HF hand-held laser heat sensors are/were less than $20.
Handy for checking & comparing tire AND brake heat.
Advances in "PMS" added a "T" - to TPMS.
Even new vehicles come with TPMS.
I still use a hand-held gage before a trip - and after a long stay at a CG. Sometimes just to check up on the PP (batts *will* go dead "sometime") - however, it's NEVER, EVER been wrong or failed me (yet).
But - Murphy says, double check!
Sooooo - while you're sniffing out rodents...your question really should be - how many folks "do it the old fashioned way"??..:h
And hmmmmmm - maybe that Q should have a "qualifier", lest someone think you're kinfolk of Masters and Johnson, and getting....ahhh - "personal"..:W
BTW - NEVER, EVER have I seen you at the campgrounds I visit - but I'll be watching for strange folks "sniffing around"..;)
Murphy also.