Sep-05-2014 09:03 AM
Sep-11-2014 05:46 AM
wedge542 wrote:
thanks, not sure where you get 6000 on yours at, no ford pickup made has that, you might want to look at your sticker again, if it has not been replaced by someone to fool the dot and no options made will make you legal, just might look better or make you feel better but nothing on the market will increase your LEGAL max period. And im not trying to register nothing to magicly become legal like those add on options you speak of. You need to move on to the next post and let people that know something talk here in legal matters not armchair chatter.
Sep-09-2014 08:49 AM
Sep-09-2014 06:47 AM
wedge542 wrote:
OK, loaded same dually plus a acura- dually weighs 6860-acura weighs 3120 went to cat scales=steer 4160- drive 5220-trailer axels 13500-gross 22880 hows this looking my steers under the max 4850 drives under the max 6100 im under gvwr of 9600 and trailer max tow limit im under max of 16100, am i overlooking anything? this was a 9980 lb load on the trailer
Sep-08-2014 08:53 PM
Sep-08-2014 11:55 AM
Sep-08-2014 11:46 AM
wedge542 wrote:
MR TAYLOR, if this rolled across your scales would it be legal AND looking at those numbers how much would i have left to max it out, say i had that dually loaded and 3000 more in front of that?
Sep-08-2014 11:41 AM
wedge542 wrote:
MR TAYLOR, if this rolled across your scales would it be legal AND looking at those numbers how much would i have left to max it out, say i had that dually loaded and 3000 more in front of that?
Sep-08-2014 10:34 AM
Sep-07-2014 05:01 PM
Sep-07-2014 03:20 PM
wedge542 wrote:
got scaled this morn with a 91 f350 dw on the trailer and my slider 5th wheel all the way foward steer 4200/ drive 4360/ trailer axels 11200/ gross 19760- i cant see how this dually only weighs 6860lbs, its lighter than my f250 yet has a 10000 gvwr and 7100 gawr, thats 1000lbs more rear cap than my f250, i had the dually at rear across the tri axels, the slider did help throw some weight to the steer more than just sit on the rear axel, added 180 to steer and 40 to the rear axel.
Sep-07-2014 11:42 AM
bpounds wrote:the 5th wheel is slid foward all the way so it put more on the fa than the rear axel, thats what they supposed to do when setup right just like a big truck when they slide one notch it can throw between 250 and 300 lbs on the front axel, hence the reason i got a slider, now im takeing off the tailgate/spare moved to under rear trailer/ chains binders moved to box at trailer rear/might take out pas seat/bed tool box and all gear to trailer rear/. When i loaded that dually onto the trailer i had it at the very rear with 14 ft left in front so i can put something lighter there or coulda moved it foward if need be to get my pin some weight back on it.wedge542 wrote:
...added 180 to steer and 40 to the rear axel.
Your numbers are screwed up. It is impossible to put more weight on the FA than the RA, unless the pin is closer to the FA than the RA, which obviously it isn't.
So little pin weight isn't safe either, but you probably don't care.
Sep-07-2014 11:05 AM
wedge542 wrote:
...added 180 to steer and 40 to the rear axel.
Sep-07-2014 08:20 AM
Sep-07-2014 05:30 AM