Forum Discussion

RandandDoug's avatar
Apr 10, 2021

Holding tanks

Bought a used 2019 Keystone Avalanche 321RS.
All company specs I have seen show it having 1 black and 1 grey tank.
There are two grey Pulls and one black. The salesman and I did a fairly quick walkthrough, my 3rd rv, and he explained that there are 2 grey tanks, and the that was that.
I am out today familiarizing myself with the trailer, flushing tanks and stuff, and it seems as though the bathroom sink is plumbed into the black tank, not sure about the shower yet, will be going back out to run some water through that too.
Is anyone here familiar with that? Seems strange to me, but I can live with it. Just curious and all the places to call are of course closed for the weekend.