I find the generic manuals that come with most RV's practially worthless. Your manufacturer should have PDF versions of your plumbing and wiring schematics specific to your unit. Bear in mind these can have some differences depending on who put your wiring or plumbing together at the factory that day (ask me how I know) but it's about as good as it gets. RV books are helpful but if you want specific information on how your RV is plumbed and wired you have to get that info from the manufacturer directly. Although generally speaking most RV's are the same basic design, EVERY RV is different with how the plumbing, wiring, breakers etc are run. They can even be different in the same model depending on which day it rolled off the line. Mine has 4 breaker planels only 2 of which the manufacturer actually had documented. They other 2 they didn't have a clue where they were and further they had no specific idea what was wired to each panel and none of it was labeled. That's fun to figure out. Low point drains and winterization bypass were different than the schematic they sent me for my exact model. There is no quality control in RV's.