Deb and Ed M wrote:
Wow!!! Thank you for this! I will print it, and save it for future tire-shopping use.
Then print this reaction , where I have put it all in rules of tumb.
First the loadindex system
Fist rule is the translation for Dutch expression for rule of tumb.
Every LI step higher add 3% to the maximum load of tire.
Every LI step lower substract 2,5% of the maximum load of tire.
8 steps higher gives 25% more maximum load.
8 steps lower gives 20% less maximum load.
Then the speed thing.
Conversing from lower to higher speed for lesser deflection.
every 10km higher 2,5% lesser maximum load or 1 LI step lower
The other way around for every 10 km lower 3% more maximum load or 1 li step higher.
But you want it in miles/hour.
conversing from lower to higher speed for lesser deflection.
Every 5 miles higher, 2% lesser maximum load.
The other way around, so conversing from higher to lower speed.
For every 2 miles lower 1% more maximum load, 10 miles is 5%.
This will work for between 100km/62m and 160km/99m, for larger steps these rules of tumb will give to much foult.
And always calculate every tire back to 160km/99m/h because for that speed you have best milage or livetime with the calculations for pressure I give in my spreadsheets.