If I was located in the Coastal Area Carolina's (within 100 miles) looking at a Cat 4 at landfall I would not be there.
I have been through several in my life. Ike was Cat 3, huge, and made land fall 53 miles SE of my location. Rode it out in a S&B with fiver set up on leeward side of house. I had no real damage but will not do that again.
Due to our location our personal rule was anything Cat 3 or less, hitting between Freeport, TX and Winnie, TX we would stay at the S&B. Based on our location in relation to Downtown Houston. (Acts a little like mountains).
After Ike I have lowered it to CAT 2. Anything greater and we are leaving the area.
I was stuck in my fiver when Humberto popped up as a disturbance during the day, and became a strong Cat 1/ weak Cat 2 and the eye passed 10 miles south of the fiver. Not fun at all and my Guardian Angels were working over time and at full tilt.
As I said, I would never try to ride out any strong TS or any type of Hurricane in an RV.
After evacuating for Rita and that mess of getting out (18 hrs to cover 120 miles) I looked at hardening up my position, installing a whole house generator, etc.
My epiphany was this, Spend up to 20K on generator and some hardening of the S&B to protect what? At most $500 of food, some clothes, furniture,etc.
House and furniture is insured, riding out a storm in the house, never again for me and my family. I will get them out of harms way and after the storm I will travel back in to secure the homestead and start the clean up.
After Ike I was out of power for 3 weeks and neighbors were out for 6 weeks. Those that did not have generators we shared ours with them. Ike was different with cool air after the storm. Usually things are Hot, Sticky, no wind, and lots of bugs, snakes, and other critters. Very unpleasant.
Nothing at the house is worth riding it out. If it is that valuable and not insured, take it with you to a place outside the storms path. Leave early enough to avoid the traffic jams of the mandatory evacuations and last minute folks.
This is my advice only. It is free and probably worth every penny charged.