Forum Discussion

Grady23's avatar
Jul 07, 2013

JT Stabilizer -- Rear sissor jacks?

Hi everyone -- I just received my set of new JT Stabilizers and in looking at the installation instructions I may have a problem. Seems they don't address where to attach to the frame on the rear when the 5er has a pull-out bike/grill carrier. This is the entire bumber spare tire carrier as well. Has anyone run in to this. The unit is a 2010 34 Ft Keystone Cougar! What did you need to do to mount to the frame of the 5-er.
Getting ready to make a run to Lake Ontairio on the NY side in about 2 weeks.
  • Grady,

    I did install the set going toward the front on the frame rail for the rack...Just make sure the anchor point is out of the way of the bar that slides in the track. I did mine with the rack pushed in.
  • I have the BAL equivalent of the JT. My Cougar has the same rack. Here is what I did. I mounted mine to the frame of the bike rack at the back of the rack (Closest to the front of the trailer). If I do use the rack while driving, the BALs will extend so I can slide out the rack. Once I am at the site, I will push the rack back in and lock it into place. Now I also put a set along the frame going toward the front so I have them at 90 degree angles to each other (2 per jack.
  • Update on install ---- Been extremely busy -- You know fishing season starting up and all that. I called JT -- No answer - They have been purchased by Lippert Industries. They finally called back after 3 biz days. Their answer was for me to call the Tec-Support guys which I did. Told the guy Shannon that I needed to know how much offset front-to-back I needed. Shannon said "I will send out what I have in an Email". I asked TWICE if what he was sending were the installation instructions and he very conveniently avoided the question by saying "I'm sending what I have" When I asked if the drawing showed and actual measurement -- He repeated himself. Sounds like since the Lippert Co has purchased the JT line, customer service has gone to He!! I will work with a friend that is a welder and try and determine the best location for the additional steel and then install them. This is to bad since the JT system is a very good product.
  • There is an exsisting track that the pull-out rack rests on. I may try and see if I can make the mounting connection somewhere on that or do as suggested and have a peice of steel cut and then drill/tap so to create a mounting surface. This will all take place if it ever stops raining in the Maryland area. Thanks again for the help!
  • Helped a fellow install his system and there was no place to mount easily in the rear. We went to the steel shop and purchased a bar similar to what JRS & B made and had it cut to length. We also drilled and tapped the holes along with the frame of the trailer. It went together perfectly with our ingenuity to overcome a lack of mounting places. Made a world of difference in the firmness of the trailer when they were installed and used. I'm sure you can figure it out.
  • Thanks for all the replies -- So far the above response sounds like the best idea. I will call the manufacturer tomorrow and find out what they say. Again -- Thanks
  • As I recall, the rears are supposed to be attached at roughly a 45 degree angle, not parallel to either the back bumper or the frame rail.

    When I installed my JT's, there was no cross-member forward of the rear scissors jacks to attach them to.

    I was in a campground and had limited tools and no easy access to get something welded.

    So, I bought two 6 foot long "L" shaped pieces of steel from Home Depot. I bolted them together to form a "U" channel. If they had a "U" channel in stock I would have preferred it, but you have to work with what you have.

    I bolted the "U" channel to the frame, and then attached the JT's to the U channel per the instructions.

    Since I had drilled and tapped my other connections, I did the same here when I attached the U channel to the frame, but then put a nut on the bolt for good measure. It ain't going anywhere.

    They have been on for 5 years or more and everything is still cool.
  • I added a new set of scissors jacks just forward of the frame for the bike rack. My Cougar 293SAB thankfully sits very high so I didn't have issues with my new truck bed height but it did make for a LONG reach for the small jacks they put on the rear. Solved both the stabilizer and jack issue by adding bigger stabilizers then added my Steadyfast to them.