Coach-man wrote:
I am sorry, I do not understand this fasination with staying at stores, or restaurants! In th 15 or so years We have been RVing, I have yet to run into a situation where we have failed to find a conviniant RV park for an overnight stay! Now if I broke down, I might consider pulling into a parking lot until we could get it fixed, but using that location on a regular basis is just not in the cards. If it is money your concerned with, then perhaps you have the wrong hobby.
It's not fascination that leads us to Wally Dock. It's timing and convenience. Wally Docking is about driving as far as you can for as late as you can. Then Pulling into Wal-Mart,Cracker Barrel,etc. sleep for the night and leave early in the morning.
Often its not practical, convenient or fair to other campers to arrive at a CG late night and leave very early.
If you think it's about money you don't fully understand the Wally Docker mindset.The goal of the Wally Docker is to continue to travel as efficiently as possible. Stopping at a traditional CG will take up too much valuable travel time.
Driving through a dark unfamiliar CG just to locate a site to sleep for the night is impractical.
From a money point of view I have a expensive built in genset that allows me to Wally Dock in Summer months, just the cost of the genset
eliminates any so called savings by Wally Docking! I would have to Wally Dock exclusively to recoup the cost of the genset.
I'm not complaining about my genset cost, but understand Wally Docking is not about savings. It's about efficient,convenient RV travel
THere are times when we stop early evening at a CG a set up for the night and leave in the morning. There are also times we drive late into the night and take the Wally Dock approach.
If you have never had the need to Wally Dock consider yourself fortunate. I am still a working stiff. Sometimes able to escape the rat race soon enough. I will Wally Dock to make the most efficient use of my time to reach my destination ASAP and well rested.