Forum Discussion

Trackdad's avatar
Dec 02, 2016

Kodiak/Keystone TQB292 Toyhauler Major Issue

I'm a newer member and was this site was recommended by a co-worker after discussing our Kodiak/Keystone water leaks.
So here's our story:
The 2015 Kodiak TQB292 is our first toyhauler which was purchased in June,, 2014. We were told by our Minnesota dealer that we received one of the last units built by Kodiak during the buyout from Keystone. Our first trip was to the Black Hills area of South Dakota and went well.
In August of 2014 we noticed bubbles under the wallpaper in the closet and as we guessed it was water! Returned the trailer immediately to our dealer for warranty work. After this repair the trailer went into covered storage for the winter. Spring can and early that summer noticed more standing water after a rain storm. Again the trailer was returned to our dealer for warranty work. Late fall of 2015 we noticed water again in the same area but it was so bad it washed through the storage area below and out the other side. It damaged the plastic wind liner below. Again the unit was returned to our dealer and repaired we thought. It was returned to us early December 2015. The trailer again went into covered storage for the winter. I need to say our dealer was very receptive to our needs so I have no complaints with them.
Mid April 2016 the unit was pulled out of storage and the very same day a rain storm happened and again the unit was wet again. Dealer was notified and the dealer picked up the trailer and returned to the dealership.
Keystone was petitioned to look at the trailer and it was finally returned to Indiana early September 2016. Oh by the way Keystone found a 5th leak in the trailer!!
Recently Keystone call us telling us that the wall had delaminated and needed replacement. A few weeks later we received another call telling us that the wallpaper in our unit was discontinued and they planned on coming close with another paper. Now we'll have a two-tone interior! Keystone refused to do the new wallpaper in the entire trailer!
Finally after a number of phone calls with Keystone, they offered some compensation but won't discuss the AMOUNT until we have the trailer back in our possession. I've asked them to buy us out of the unit but Keystone refuses. The warranty states that after a number of attempts that Keystone would provide a comparable unit, but all we're getting is a two-tone trailer and a chance for some cash after its return. Our dealer says the resale value just dropped in half!!!!
Is there any help out there????
Thanks for following our story.... besides a year in storage we've had approximately 5 months of possible use in 2 years and 6 months that we've owned it. The rest of the time its been at our dealer or Keystone being repaired. And the unit is still in Indiana!!!!
  • So for those keeping track of this tread here's an update as of yesterday:

    New wall arrived last week and upon inspection they found that the new wall had also delaminated and they needed to order another wall, arrival sometime next week. They had also said that some supervisor reviewed the two wallpapers and they decided they were not close at all and they will be replacing all the wallpaper in the trailer including trim. So progress is being made and Keystone is strongly attempting to make things right!
  • Sorry for your trouble. Find an RV service center that has a Seal Tech machine. Have them check your camper for leaks. I've had it done a couple of times. My guess is that it will be a continuous battle to keep the water out.
  • Greg I'm not really sure how to reach them. I think if you go to their Contact Us page and send to the LTE that will get routed. But that's just a guess.

    or try asking on their Facebook Page

    Doesn't hurt to lean on the dealer for a bit more support, sounds like you're close on the wallpaper issue if that's the last hurdle if they would provide it, dealer install it and maybe you chip in a few bucks you can find some common ground.
  • First thank all of you for responding and any advice or direction is very well accepted. I'm trying to find the resolution section.

    As for our dealer involvement they have contacted Keystone on our behalf.

    Thank you again!

  • Where is your dealer? Talk with them see if they can leverage their relationship a bit more to find a mutually agreeable solution. Chances of getting a buyback over wallpaper doesn't seem very likely.

    * Would they provide the dealer or you the amount of wall paper to finish the job yourself?
    * How much for them to do it for you?
    * Have they done the wallpapering already? Other options?
  • Trailer Life magazine has a RV Resolution column you could contact. They contact the mfg on the owners behalf and print the results. Worth a shot and does not cost anything. They are the same ones that own this forum.
  • {snip}

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