Forum Discussion

joe_blow's avatar
Jun 15, 2021

Left side lights 2008 WW CR3705

Well luckily the season is over when this happened.

I hooked up the trailer to take it back to storage yesterday. I always do a light check (blinkers etc) before I pull out and wouldn't you know it, the left side of the trailer is dead... :B

I didn't have the time to diagnose it, so I did the basic wiggle the 7 pin, clean the contacts of the 7 pin with no luck. I drove it as is being I was on a time crunch. Funny thing is the lights have worked solid for 12 yrs without a glitch.

I definitely have a diagnostic plan when I can get to it, but just wanting to hear if anyone had a similar problem and where you found it. I am betting it is in the 7 pin junction box at the 5th wheel tongue....but that is just a guess for now.

Thanks for the help and advice

  • Well in this case the fuse was immediately blowing, so I am sure the power wire was worn through somewhere in the wall and straight to ground.

    Not a ground issue
  • Usually such problems occur when the ground contact is unstable.
    If the bulbs on the car burn out, it has no effect on the trailer.
    This is provided that there is no bulb continuity control, because when the bulb burns out, the voltage is removed from the d1s headlight bulb. Also, such problems occur with LED optics both on the car and on the trailer.
  • 100%.

    I was just happy it wasn't worse than it was....although it was elusive for a bit:h
  • Thumbs up! Always satisfying when you fix an electrical gremlin!
  • Finally got around to messing with the issue. The pin box has the collection of turn, running and hazard wires in a junction box fused off a 3 fuse bus bar.

    The left hazard/brake/turn kept blowing as soon as I engaged it.

    Took me a while but the problem was traced to the upper left turn/brake light (1157 bulb) assembly. The wiring was shorted somewhere between the fixture and the wall where it goes up from the frame.

    There was NO WAY to feed a new wire so I was given an idea to run a new wire and hide it in the rear ramp spring channel.

    It was a PITA and drilling at weird angles broke a few bits, but I got it licked.

  • Y-Guy wrote:
    So hard to say, so many places wires can rub (and wear the plastic. Hope it's a quick and easy fix.

    Me too!

    I will keep you all posted, although it will be a few months since it is now boating season.

    To be continued......

  • So hard to say, so many places wires can rub (and wear the plastic. Hope it's a quick and easy fix.