kinda back tracking now - seems I have an in on new axles can get custom dexter axles with a 4" drop - turn them for a 4" lift - no welding and get most of the way there (gain 4" at the axles and already dropped the hitch 1.5 " with lower feet). new axles, springs, brakes, bearings, etc. made about 15 miles from me. I like the welding mod but will be looking at replacing 10 yr old bearings and brakes anyways so this one is looking promising. pretty sure I may gain more as the original axles on this trailer are 3500 lb and the springs are straight under load now . . . . heavier sprints won't flatten so much. I remember reading about the tires and axles being too small for this camper models years ago when I was researching everything else. adding the heavier running gear would be safer in the long run when we can finally do the drive to alaska