Teletech wrote:
New to the site so please excuse me if I screw up.
I am trying to locate a Kingpin adapter to help me lift my Hijacker in and out of my f250. I have heard that Demco makes one but I was wondering if anyone else does.
I have an engine hoist that I got on sale for $100. Sold the included stand for $50. Had to spend that to get the boom extended to reach the center of the bed, though. Found a 3" eye bolt with a 3" flat plate welded on it in my dad's scrap pile and use that to drop into the jaws to lift with. Drop the hitch down on a $10 furniture dolly from Harbor Freight. At least that's how I =used= to do it. My very smart daughter married a gym rat of a guy, now I buy a 6 pack of good IPA and split it with him. He lifts and I "supervise". :-)