drillagent wrote:
There's been a lot of tire talk on here lately, and I wanted to get my question in before everyone moved on. We just purchased our 2012 Montana 3750FL. I looked before we signed and it has E rated Marathon's, which based on the trailer's dry weight, won't last very long. I'd love to put GY G614's on it, but can't afford $300 per. Every time I ask SGM Google, he can't seem to find any other G rated tires. Can anyone give me a list of G rated tires that I can price and compare for possible future purchase? Thanks in advance.
Don't walk to the tire store, run to it. We have a 3750FL and had the china bomb Marathon E and one blew, and it made a mess of the camper. I always ran proper pressure, checked tires regularly, and figure it would never happen to me. BAM at 65 MPH in VT. Replaced with G614, all five, and no problems. The G614s are expensive but this is one of those times where you can't afford to not spend the money. The damage to the camper could be expensive and certainly not convenient. I was planning on upgrading and one tire blew before I did. By the way, how do you like the 3750FL? We had a 2010 and now a 2013. We love the floor plan.