Forum Discussion

TClev's avatar
Apr 26, 2016

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We have a 28' Nitro that we are putting 3 quads in. The 90 has to go up front in the kitchen but should we put the 150 in the middle and 1000 Touring in the back or the 1000 in the middle?
  • TClev wrote:
    I would add a picture but don't know how.

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  • TClev wrote:
    It will be out first time out in this camper and just got the heavy touring quad. Just trying to figure it out so hubby can add D rings where needed. I would add a picture but don't know how.

    Adding photos.
  • It will be out first time out in this camper and just got the heavy touring quad. Just trying to figure it out so hubby can add D rings where needed. I would add a picture but don't know how.
  • You always want to distribute the heaviest weight center over the axles. Or Like on my rig my bathroom is on the drivers side so I place most of the weight on the passenger side of the trailer and even it out from there. I don't know your rig.