Forum Discussion

prainma2006's avatar
Sep 29, 2014

Maiden Voyage with some minor problems

Well, our new to us RV had her first workout this weekend at Fiddlers Cove in San Diego. Great time, but ran into a few issues.
1.) So when we pulled in and hooked up to 50A service, the lights in the rv went on for about 15 minutes, then started turning on and off by themselves. Loss of 12V systems(all lights, fridge, etc...) as a whole. I looked at the fuse panel, nothing tripped, so the lights would come on for 15 seconds, then off for 2 minutes, and continued that for a while. I ended up finding a glass fuse that was blown that was in the battery compartment and was also loose in the fuse holder. I replaced the fuse and the fuse holder, and now I have my 12v systems back, but the converter is constantly kicking on/off for the entire weekend, so after the 12v systems kicked back on, everything stayed lit off, but everything would dim/brighten just like earlier. Does this seem like a converter that is overheating and going bad? The 12v supply is separate from the fuse panel, I would watch through a vent hole and as the fan kicked off of the converter, that is when everything would dim, when it kicked back on and fan turned on, everything would brighten. I didn't access where it was installed this weekend, because I would have to pull out the fuse panel and secure power so I couldn't see a model number or amps output for this, I think I am going to get a new converter, am I limited to 45-55 amp or could I get a bigger 100A converter? Do I need one that big? we don't have a generator, and we don't boondock so what do I need in a new converter?

The water pressure on the coach was crap, water coming from the campground was good though. I used on of those blue camco city water pressure regulators and it just sucked so bad that I ended up pulling it off when a guy told me maybe there is already a regulator built in and you were double regulating. When I took the camco regulator off we did get better pressure, but I looked for another one and did not see one. This is a 2006 Komfort, is there a possibility these were made with one but it is hidden somewhere? Also where you screw in city water I ended up breaking this spring on the inside of where you screw your hose into, my guess is water pressure overcomes the tension of the spring and allows water to enter the rig? then when using the tank and waterpump keeps it sealed so you can pressurize the water system? Could anyone confirm that is what it is for?

Tested the (older kariba model WD802, made by splendide)washer/dryer,
when kicking into the spin mode the drum was slamming into the side before it would finally equal back out and spin. I read up and it said maybe the shocks were bad, so I'll look at that when I get a chance, It was level, I ran 2 loads, both small, maybe too small, the one thing I did notice was the clothes would stick in the same place and not move when the washer spin cycle started making it unbalanced and wanting to jump through the outer cabinet. Also when it got to the end of the wash cycle to off and started to dry, the wash timer(?)continued so while it was drying, it also started to rewash the load. Are these things worth dealing with, looks like parts support for theses are******now? any good places to try to find parts for this?

Thanks for your knowledge ahead of time,

  • prainma2006 wrote:
    Fiddlers is really nice. Nice sized pads, and we take our waverunner with us too and so far we have gotten front row spots all summer. Only bad part is there are only 4 or 5 spots with fire pits. Beautiful campground and a great deal for bay/beach camping. Our other favorite is San Onofre on Camp Pendleton.

    Does all sites have sewer now? We like Adm Baker too.
  • Fiddlers is really nice. Nice sized pads, and we take our waverunner with us too and so far we have gotten front row spots all summer. Only bad part is there are only 4 or 5 spots with fire pits. Beautiful campground and a great deal for bay/beach camping. Our other favorite is San Onofre on Camp Pendleton.
  • When your converter kicks out the batteries take over so check your batteries first as suggested. If batteries are good then replace your converter.
  • I would have the batteries tested before I would buy a new converter.
    Bad batteries can cause various symptoms.
  • YES....converter is failing.
    Contact Randy at Best Converters. He will help you get proper replacement. LINK

    Water pressure regulator......
    Don't know if you have one built in. It would be just after city water connection.
    Your camco reg is probably bad.
    Should be easy to locate when you replace the broken city water assembly. That spring is part of the internal check valve which closes when using on-board pump otherwise water would flow out of connection and no water pressure inside rig. (pump also has one so city water doesn't back flow thru pump into fresh water tank)