eundercoffler wrote:
Mmaxed wrote:
We have a '09 Fusion 302 that is close to what you are wanting. No loft, but drop down bunks in the garage. Frame is steel. Overall been a reliable unit. Friends have had rigs with more problems in the first year than we have had in 8 camping seasons.
Ya I like the 302 and 305. No loft but a more manageable size. If I could find one around me in good condition I would buy it. Do you know of any similar rigs?
It seems like Cyclone had one similar but a few feet longer. Don't know that I would recommend it though as I know several people that have owned Cyclones and Road Warriors. They all had lots of problems. Not saying that Fusion has the best build quality, some things make me cringe every time I look at them. It has held up well overall though.
My brother has a Raptor that is a similar floor plan, but no glass slider to the garage. Makes it seem much smaller. Can't open swinging door to garage with toys in.