To make a decision about a camper that you'll be thrilled with for a long-long time, there are no short cuts in your search.
Yes, you can start on the internet and look at photos and floor plans, and begin to formulate an idea what you like. This is a good starting point.
Next, identify the RV dealerships in your immediate area where you live and compare their web sites with what you like.
Third, go visit those dealerships and actually look at the units that strike your attention.
You may find the "ideal and perfect" RV you visioned in your head is dead wrong! This happened to us and we ended up getting what we "really" wanted, we just didn't didn't know how to express it.
A lot depends upon how much you are willing to spend, or get a loan for too. The more disposable money you have, the bigger and / or higher end you can get. But, you have to identify your budget first. This is absolutely essential and will drive the direction you start your search.
About manufacturers or different brands? You have to start somewhere. Go, physically to an RV dealership and just start looking at what's there. Look at all types of campers, not just 5er's, but look at travel trailers, and toy haulers too. Not that you want to buy these, but it's all for "comparison" sake. Why??????
Because when you find the RIGHT camper... you will absolutely know it! When you see it, you'll say ... THIS IS IT! Why? because you've got all those comparisons in the back of your head.
If you are looking for "brands"... well ... here's a link to blow your socks off. If it's not here, you probably won't find it.
Click here.The bottom line.... if you have a life-time, you could check every one of these out. But none of us have a life-time, so start with the dealers and manufacturers in your area and expand out from there.
The choice is your's ... depending on your finances.