2oldman wrote:
D.E.Bishop wrote:
We went to the RVIA Show in Pomona last week and some motorhome mfgs are touting NITRO in their entire lines.
They don,t read this forum or they figure no one else does either.
They may not even know it's nitrogen.
Bingo on the last sentence!!
"They may not even know it's nitrogen".
MANY of the Pomona RV show salespersons are 100% clueless about the product they represent - as well as BASIC RV "things" - including tow vehicles, etc.
One year I asked a "salesman" if I could take one of his brochures, which were sitting in an open rear compartment.
He he didn't know where they were (I showed him) - as it was his FIRST day on the job. Figured he meant first day at the show....NO - he then admitted it was he first day EVER selling RVs..:R
Buyer beware - of "Show prices"!
The participating dealers pay to have a space/s, while other dealers of the SAME brand are (often) not "invited" - period!
Better deals can be had from the dealers who are NOT there.
A friend signed up for a test drive of a high-end MH.
(His wife just had to have one - instead of the great 5th they had).
On arrival - and check in - he was told by the dealership *owner* they would get to him "soon".
So he's killing time looking thru the MHs. While he was in the back of one, he overhears two salespersons in the ront:
#1 says, "Who is the guy in the back?"
#2 says, "Oh - he's just a tire-kicker looking around".
Adios! - He bought a slightly used Country Coach elsewhere.
Also - ya gotta love the "You MUST sign in before going thru the RV" - from a couple of salespersons (vultures) sitting on their butts at a table. (Sure, understand: - they want to sell you something AND get you on their calling/mailing list)
They never catch on to: Chuck Roast, (at some phony address & phone).
If you really are interested in looking w/o the noise in your ear....
Tell 'em you are bringing the DW the following day (she may really simply be "elsewhere").
Results in: They don't bother, look all you want uninterrupted!
IMO - NO nitrogen, or nitromethane req'd for the salespersons at
Pomona.....maybe a Nitroglycerine tablet however!..:W