Forum Discussion

robwalk's avatar
Jul 23, 2014

offset of studs on 2005 wilderness advantage ax6

Can anyone tell how many inches on center are the wall studs on a wilderness advantage ax6?
  • Chris and bpounds are both right. Adding to that, my experience is they are on 24" centers when aluminum studs....16" C to C if wood studs. And I think most exterior wood studs are 2X3. While interior studs are 2X2. Not sure of the size of alum. studs.
  • Agreed with both previous posts. Studs will likely be on 16 inch centers when possible. Also, wherever you see a joint between interior panels on the inside you will find a stud and 16 inches from that you should be able to see a few caulked nail heads.
  • Use a stud finder.

    There isn't enough uninterrupted wall on most trailers for much consistency of spacing. I'm sure they have a design minimum, but the knowledge isn't worth much to us.
  • Sometimes early in the morning you can see the stud pattern on the outer skin! Chris