We have had several trailers and all of them had gas/electric. Our dp Class A had gas/electric. When we decided to go back to a fiver one of the main things we wanted was a residential fridge. The one we have now is 23 cubic feet and it is SO much better. With this being said we never dry camp and always stay at cg's when travelling this great country. Our inverter has not used up the battery capacity yet. Even if you do lose power it is not any difference than losing power at your home for a period of hours or even a day---as long as you don't open the doors. That is where a lot of folks make a mistake, opening the door to see if it is still cold. Keep it shut and it will last a long time. I have been running ours at home with a temp stick inside to monitor the temps wirelessly with power off. It appears this morning the battery is getting low but that is after almost 24 hrs. I am satisfied.