Forum Discussion

MarkTwain's avatar
Nov 30, 2016

Pin box 5th Airborne 5th. wheel

I need information about my Pin Box 5th. Airborne 5th wheel hitch. How many (psi) of air should I use with my hitch? What psi is too low and what psi is too high?
  • 95psi for me. I did find that if I put 70psi in it befor we hook up it will be 95psi when on
  • I have anywheres between 35-45 in air bag for ours. Right at fill line. 1900 pin
  • As BB_Tx stated, depends on the pin weight of your trailer. The bag has to be adjusted to your pin weight. When hooked up I have 100 lbs in mine which puts it at the fill to here line. My bag is in the center mounting location. You also want your 5th wheel hitch as close to level possible.
  • I run 90-100 in mine with the bag slid up to the highest position at the 3200 lb. mark. I have about 3000 lb pin weight.
  • 85# in mine. Bought a small harbor freight compressor to fill when needed. The air bag has very little volume so does not take much. Have a 12v outlet in the landing gear bay as well as the back end of the pickup bed to power the compressor.

  • I hooked up to trailer and filled mine to the "fill to here " line. It needs to be topped up occasionally but most of the time it is hook up and go. Never checked the pressure.
  • It's going to depend on pin weight. Mine only takes about 60 psi to reach the fill to here line. Also, as I remember, you can move the air bag to different holes to account for a range of pin weights from light to heavy.

    Definitely a good idea to check at the start of a new season and periodically afterward.
  • I put 80-90 in my trailair I didn't have enough in it after a long winter and when time to hook up and go I hit the box of truck with the electrical box. bent it up wasn't happy
  • Mine takes 125psi to hit the marks that say "fill to here". Called Reese to inquire and they said 125 was OK but don't go higher. I usually go 100-110 and needs to be filled every trip as it loses air. Would get non air hitch next time (had Mor ryde before which was great)....too much trouble always adding air.