JIMeRIG wrote:
ScottG wrote:
If your dealer is a strong one, they can pressure Northwood into doing the right thing.
NW made a huge mistake on our roof and then used rediculous BS to try and get out of correcting it. Dealer set them straight and it went back to the foctory for (sloppy) repairs.
Just wondering, What did Northwood do for you?
I opted for the 50A/second AC option option when I ordered. The day after I picked it up I realized the roof and ceiling in the bedroom weren't built to accept an AC.
I called NW and they gave me a song and dance about how I bought 50A but not "second AC prep" (no such thing). This was a bald face lie and my dealer went to bat and set them straight. (the ordering form makes it very clear that 50A/second AC is the option. Besides, I even had wiring and a breaker for second AC).
So they took the rig back and re-structured the roof. That meant they had to replace the rubber membrane.
When they replaced the roof, rather than pull the end caps and tuck it under them (as they told me they would do), they simply sliced the roof at the ends, layed new rubber and added another trim strip and gobs of goop to cover it all up.
They replaced the roof in one day.I learned that talking directly to NW customer support will get you someone who will tell you anything to get you off the phone.
This was their chance to shine and they totally failed.