Weighed my whole combo 3/5/14. Full tank of fuel, full DEF tank, me, wife, two boxers, tool box a tad more loaded and 5er loaded almost as full as usual for a weeks stay...all tanks empty, cept black water probably had 10 gallons or so in it and 2 5# bags of ice to slosh around in the tank while driving from Asheville NC to Seviereville TN (trying to clean sensors)..
I digressed....
front axle was 5460# (rated @5800)
Drive axle was 7200# (without 5er it was 3860), which gives me a pin weight of 3340# .
My Gross weight total was 12,660 (truck plus pin weight) which is 1,340# under my trucks GVWR of 14,000#.)..Drive axle weight of 7200# put my truck 2550# under my RAWR of 9750#, (based on tires and psi). (AAM rates rear axle at 11,500 to 11,800#).
My trailer axle , 12,580# and pin weight 3340#, put weight of my 5er @ 15,920#, (has a GVW of 16,950#)...Didn't have my generator.(add another 250# to 5er..not sure on pin weight, but it's up front so could raise pin weight 200#, making it 3540#, which still has me 1140# under my trucks GVWR:)
Total weight of combo was 25,240# (add 250 for generator and it's 25,490#)....trucks GCWR is 37,600#.
Anyway, all these weights were taken on CAT scales..only thing I've added is generator in plus fuel in it. (250#).