Me Again wrote:
eHoefler and Old Duck got it right!
Given the 2007 year trailer age, I would not think you have the troublesome red regulator on the far side tank. Many have problems with those.
It's NOT the Overflow Protection Device (OverFILL Protection Device---OPD) That is inside the propane cylinder and is a 'float' mechanism that shuts off flow when filling cylinder....set for the 80% max level.
The 'Excess Flow Device' is what trips when opening a propane service valve too fast. It is inside the big green nut (ACME Nut). It is a spring loaded ball check valve that moves towards close when first opening valve........then as pressure downstream in system 'equalizes' the ball moves back to center position.
Opening valve too fast causes an inrush and ball check valve closes. TO reset you close service valve, bleed pressure off and then slowly open service valve